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Decentralized Recommendation Based on Matrix Factorization: A Comparison of Gossip and Federated Learning. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. :317–332.
2020. Gossip Learning as a Decentralized Alternative to Federated Learning. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. :74–90.
2019. Stunner: A Smart Phone Trace for Developing Decentralized Edge Systems. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. :108–115.
2019. Anonymous, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Queries for Smart Devices. ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst.. 3
2018. Reliability and Performance of UEGO, a Clustering-based Global Optimizer. Journal of Global Optimization. 19:265–289.
2001. UEGO, an Abstract Clustering Technique for Multimodal Global Optimization. Journal of Heuristics. 7:215–233.
2001. A Comparative Study of Several Feature Space Transformation and Learning Methods for Phoneme Classification. International Journal of Speech Technology. 2:263-276.
2000. Towards Automatic Domain Knowledge Extraction for Evolutionary Heuristics. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI. :755–764.