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Decentralized Recommendation Based on Matrix Factorization: A Comparison of Gossip and Federated Learning. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. :317–332.
2020. Deep-water framework: The Swiss army knife of humans working with machine learning models. SoftwareX. 12:100551.
2020. Gossip Learning as a Decentralized Alternative to Federated Learning. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. :74–90.
2019. Proactive Minimization of Convolutional Networks. 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1-7.
2019. Stunner: A Smart Phone Trace for Developing Decentralized Edge Systems. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. :108–115.
2019. Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality at Stack Overflow Using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2019, 14th International Conference on Software Technologies. :631-639.
2019. Anonymous, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Queries for Smart Devices. ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst.. 3
2018. Robust decentralized mean estimation with limited communication. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11014 :447–461.
2018. Decentralized management of random walks over a mobile phone network.. Proceedings of the 25th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing. :100–107.
2017. Relating Code Coverage, Mutation Score and Test Suite Reducibility to Defect Density. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW'16); The 11th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (MUTATION'16). :174-179.
2016. Characterizability in belief revision. 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :3236-3242.
2015. MEDIAN STRINGS: A REVIEW. Data Mining in Time Series Databases. :173-192.
2004. Dynamic computation of generalised median strings. Pattern Analysis & Applications. 6:185–193.
2003. Dynamic Computation of Generalised Median Strings. Pattern Anal. Appl.. 6:185–193.
2003. Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2003). :118–127.
2003. A critical note on experimental research methodology in EC. Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat. No.02TH8600). 1:582-587vol.1.
2002. Maintaining Connectivity in a Scalable and Robust Distributed Environment. 2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'02). :389-394.
2002. On Obtaining Global Information in a Peer-to-Peer Fully Distributed Environment (Research Note). Euro-Par. 2400:573–577.
2002. Operator Learning for a Problem Class in a Distributed Peer-to-Peer Environment. PPSN. 2439:172–183.
2002. A scalable and robust framework for distributed applications. Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat. No.02TH8600). 2:1540-1545vol.2.
2002. Better approximation algorithms for bin covering. Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. :557–566.
2001. Bounded Space On-Line Bin Packing: Best Is Better than First. Algorithmica. 31:115–138.
2001. Reliability and Performance of UEGO, a Clustering-based Global Optimizer. Journal of Global Optimization. 19:265–289.
2001. .
2001. Two Approaches for Parallelizing the UEGO Algorithm. Optimization Theory: Recent Developments from Mátraháza. :159–177.