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Gosztolya G, Kocsor A, Tóth L, Felföldi L.  2003.  Various Robust Search Methods in a Hungarian Speech Recognition System. Acta Cybernetica. 16:229-240.
Gosztoya G, Kocsor A, Tóth L, Felföldi L.  2002.  Various Robust Search Methods in a Hungarian Speech recognition System. Conference of PhD students on Computer Sciences, Volume of Extended Abstracts. :35.
Kovács K, Kocsor A.  2002.  Various Hyperplane Classifiers Using Kernels Feature Spaces. Conference of PhD students on Computer Sciences, Volume of Extended Abstracts. :63.
Kovács K, Kocsor A.  2003.  Various Hyperplane Classifiers Using Kernel Feature Spaces. Acta Cybernetica. 16:271-278.
Kocsor A, A., Jr. K, László T, Márk J, László F, Tibor G, János C.  1999.  A Segment-Based Statistical Speech Recognition System for Isolated/Continuous Number Recognition. Proceedings of the 6th Fenno-Ugric Symposium on Software Technology (FUSST'99). :201-211.
Paczolay D, Kocsor A, Tóth L.  2003.  Real-Time Vocal Tract Length Normalization in a Phonological Awareness Teaching System. Text, Speech and Dialogue: 6th International Conference, TSD 2003, vol. 2807. :309-314.
Kocsor A, András, Jr. K, László T.  1999.  An Overview of the OASIS speech recognition project. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Informatics. :94-102.
Kocsor A, Dombi J, Bálint I.  2001.  An Optimization Based Algorithm for Determining Eigenpairs of Large Real Matrices. ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLANDO EÖTVÖS NOMINATAE SECTIO COMPUTATORICA. 20:237-253.
Kocsor A, Tóth L, Imre B.  1999.  On the Optimal Parameters of a Sinusoidal Representation of Signals. Acta Cybernetica. 14:315-330.
Kocsor A, Tóth L, Bálint I.  1998.  On the Optimal Parameters of a Sinusoidal Representation of Signals. Conference of PhD students on Computer Sciences, Volume of Extended Abstracts. :61-63.
Tóth L, Kocsor A, Kovács K, Felföldi L.  2003.  Nyelvészeti tudásforrások integrálási lehetõségei diszkriminatív szegmens-alapú beszédfelismerõ rendszerekbe. I. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészet Konferencia. :169-175.
Kocsor A, Tóth L, Paczolay D.  2001.  A Nonlinearized Discriminant Analysis and its Application to Speech Impediment Therapy. Text, Speech and Dialogue : 4th International Conference, TSD 2001, LNAI vol. 2166. :249-257.
Kocsor A, Kovács K.  2002.  Kernel Springy Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to a Phonological Awareness Teaching System. Text, Speech and Dialogue : 5th International Conference, TSD 2002, LNAI vol. 2448. :325-328.
Kocsor A.  2002.  Kernel Springy Discriminant Analysis. NATO ASI on Learning Theory and Practice (LTP 2002).
Kocsor A, Dombi J, Bálint I.  2002.  Inequality-Based Approximation of Matrix Eigenvectors. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 12:533-538.
Gosztolya G, Kocsor A.  2003.  Improving the Multi-stack Decoding Algorithm in a Segment-based Speech Recognizer. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence. :744–749.
Kovács K, Kocsor A, Tóth L.  2002.  Hungarian Speech Synthesis Using a Phase Exact HNM Approach. SOFSEM 2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics: 29th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, LNAI vol. 2540. :181-185.
Kocsor A, Dombi J, Bálint I.  1998.  How to solve matrix-eigenvalue problems by optimizations of various functional inequalities? IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN-98), Volume of extended abstract.
Kocsor A, Paczolay D.  2003.  Gépi tanulás és alkalmazása a beszédjavítás-terápiában. XIII. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszus, MANYE, Összefogaló kötete. :91.
Paczolay D, Tóth L, Kocsor A, Kerekes J.  2002.  Gépi tanulás alkalmazása egy fonológiai tudatosság-fejlesztõ rendszerben. Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomany. II:55-67.
Bálint I, Kocsor A, Cserpán I, Fodor K.  2000.  Full Matching and Isomorphism of Nucleotide Chains. INDIAN JOURNAL of PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 31:243-263.
Kocsor A, Csirik J.  2001.  Fast Independent Component Analysis in Kernel Feature Spaces. SOFSEM 2001: Theory and Practice of Informatics: 28th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, LNAI vol. 2234. :271-281.
Tóth L, Kocsor A, Kovács K.  2000.  A Discriminative Segmental Speech Model and its Application to Hungarian Number Recognition. Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop, TSD 2000, LNAI vol. 1902. :307-313.
