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Paakki J., Gyimóthy T, Horváth T..  1998.  Independent and-parallelization of logic programs using static slicing. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sectio Computarotica. 17:307-321.
Paakki J., Gyimóthy T, Horváth T..  1994.  Effective Algorithmic Debugging for Inductive Logic Programming. GMD-Studien. 237:175-194.
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Schrettner L., Gyimóthy T, Alexin Z., Tocki J..  1998.  Parallel execution of object functional queries. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sectio Computarotica. 17:339-355.
Schrettner L., Gyimóthy T, Alexin Z., Toczki J..  1995.  Parallel execution of object functional queries. Fourth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :447-459.
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Szilágyi G, Gyimóthy T, Małuszyński J.  2002.  Static and Dynamic Slicing of Constraint Logic Programs. Automated Software Engineering. 9:41–65.
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