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Conference Paper
Tsapara I, Turán G.  1998.  Learning Atomic Formulas with Prescribed Properties. COLT. :166–174.
Szepesvári C.  1997.  Learning and Exploitation Do Not Conflict Under Minimax Optimality. ECML. 1224:242–249.
Kocsor A, Kovács K.  2002.  Kernel Springy Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to a Phonological Awareness Teaching System. Text, Speech and Dialogue : 5th International Conference, TSD 2002, LNAI vol. 2448. :325-328.
Kocsor A.  2002.  Kernel Springy Discriminant Analysis. NATO ASI on Learning Theory and Practice (LTP 2002).
Fidrich M.  1996.  Iso-surface extraction in 4D with applications related to scale space. DGCI. 1176:257–268.
Kiss Á, Jász J, Lehotai G., Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2003). :118–127.
Horváth T., Gyimóthy T, Alexin Z., Kocsis F..  1993.  Interactive diagnosis and testing of logic programs. Third Finnish- Estonian- Hungarian Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :34-47.
Paakki J., Gyimóthy T, Horváth T..  1995.  Independent and-parallelization of logic programs using static slicing. Fourth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :307-319.
Gyimóthy T, Kocsis F..  1988.  Incremental generation of the LL(1) parsing table. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Automata, Languages and Programming Systems. :157-161.
Gyimóthy T, Horváth T., Kocsis F., Toczki J..  1988.  Incremental Algorithms in Prof-LP. CC. 371:93-102.
Gyimóthy T, Horváth T, Kocsis F, Toczki J.  1988.  Incremental Algorithms in Prof-LP. CC. 371:93–102.
Gosztolya G, Kocsor A.  2003.  Improving the Multi-stack Decoding Algorithm in a Segment-based Speech Recognizer. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence. :744–749.
Toczki J., Gyimóthy T, Jáhni G..  1988.  Implementation of a LOTOS precompiler in PROF-LP. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Program Designers. :31-36.
Faragó C, Hegedüs P, Ladányi G, Ferenc R.  2015.  Impact of Version History Metrics on Maintainability. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering & Its Applications. :30–35.
Faragó C, Hegedüs P, Ferenc R.  2014.  The Impact of Version Control Operations on the Quality Change of the Source Code. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014. :353–369.
Balogh G, Antal G, Beszédes Á, Vidács L, Gyimóthy T, Végh ÁZoltán.  2015.  Identifying Wasted Effort in the Field via Developer Interaction Data. Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. :391-400.
Kovács K, Kocsor A, Tóth L.  2002.  Hungarian Speech Synthesis Using a Phase Exact HNM Approach. SOFSEM 2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics: 29th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, LNAI vol. 2540. :181-185.
Kocsor A, Dombi J, Bálint I.  1998.  How to solve matrix-eigenvalue problems by optimizations of various functional inequalities? IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN-98), Volume of extended abstract.
Maass W, Turán G.  1994.  How fast can a threshold gate learn? in "computational learning theory and natural learning systems:
Kiss Á, Hodován R, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  HDDr: A Recursive Variant of the Hierarchical Delta Debugging Algorithm. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (A-TEST 2018).
Tóth L, Kocsor A.  2003.  Harmonic alternatives to sine-wave speech. INTERSPEECH.
Hodován R, Kiss Á, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  Grammarinator: A Grammar-based Open Source Fuzzer. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (A-TEST 2018).
Hegedűs I, Danner G, Jelasity M.  2019.  Gossip Learning as a Decentralized Alternative to Federated Learning. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. :74–90.
Gosztolya G, Grósz T, Tóth L.  2016.  GMM-Free Flat Start Sequence-Discriminative DNN Training. Proceedings of Interspeech. :3409–3413.
Kocsor A, Paczolay D.  2003.  Gépi tanulás és alkalmazása a beszédjavítás-terápiában. XIII. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszus, MANYE, Összefogaló kötete. :91.
