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Gosztolya G, Grósz T, Tóth L, Markó A, Csapó TGábor.  2020.  Applying DNN Adaptation to Reduce the Session Dependency of Ultrasound Tongue Imaging-based Silent Speech Interfaces. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 17:109–124.
Gosztolya G, Grósz T, Tóth L, Markó A, Csapó TGábor.  2020.  Applying DNN Adaptation to Reduce the Session Dependency of Ultrasound Tongue Imaging-based Silent Speech Interfaces. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 17:109–124.
Kókai G, Alexin Z, Gyimóthy T.  1997.  Application of Inductive Logic Programming for Learning ECG Waveforms. AIME. 1211:126–129.
Hócza A., Alexin Z., Csendes D., Csirik J., Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Application of ILP methods in different natural language processing phases for information extraction from Hungarian texts. Kalmár Workshop on Logic and Computer Science. :107-116.
Horváth T., Alexin Z., Gyimóthy T, Wrobel S..  1999.  Application of Different Learning Methods to Hungarian Part-of-Speech Tagging. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming. :128–139.
Kókai G., Alexin Z., Gyimóthy T.  1996.  Analyzing and Learning ECG Waveforms. The Sixth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming ILP96. 312292:127–145.
Gergely T, Balogh G, Horváth F, Vancsics B, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  Analysis of Static and Dynamic Test-to-code Traceability Information. Acta Cybernetica. 23:903-919.
Gergely T, Balogh G, Horváth F, Vancsics B, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  Analysis of Static and Dynamic Test-to-code Traceability Information. Acta Cybernetica. 23:903-919.
Kókai G, Harmath L, Gyimóthy T.  1997.  Algorithmic Debugging and Testing of Prolog Programs. LPE. :14–21.
Hamann L, Vidács L, Gogolla M, Kuhlmann M.  2012.  Abstract Runtime Monitoring with USE. Proceedings of CSMR 2012 (16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :549-552.
