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Improving the Multi-stack Decoding Algorithm in a Segment-based Speech Recognizer. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence. :744–749.
2003. Various Robust Search Methods in a Hungarian Speech Recognition System. Acta Cybernetica. 16:229-240.
2003. Autoencoder-Based Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping for Ultrasound Silent Speech Interfaces. Proceedings of IJCNN.
2019. Calibrating AdaBoost for Phoneme Classification. Soft Computing. 23:115–128.
2019. Calibrating DNN Posterior Probability Estimates of HMM/DNN Models to Improve Social Signal Detection From Audio Data. Proceedings of Interspeech. :515–519.
2019. Identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease based on spontaneous speech using ASR and linguistic features. Computer, Speech & Language. 53:181–197.
2019. Posterior-Thresholding Feature Extraction for Paralinguistic Speech Classification. Knowledge-Based Systems. 186
2019. Reducing the Inter-speaker Variance of CNN Acoustic Models Using Unsupervised Adversarial Multi-task Training. Proceedings of SPECOM. :481–490.
2019. Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface Built on a Continuous Vocoder. Proceedings of Interspeech. :894–898.
2019. Using Fisher Vector and Bag-of-Audio-Words Representations to Identify Styrian Dialects, Sleepiness, Baby & Orca Sounds. Proceedings of Interspeech. :2413–2417.
2019. Using the Bag-of-Audio-Word Feature Representation of ASR DNN Posteriors for Paralinguistic Classification. Proceedings of Interspeech. :2413–2417.
2019. Applying DNN Adaptation to Reduce the Session Dependency of Ultrasound Tongue Imaging-based Silent Speech Interfaces. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 17:109–124.
2020. Social Signal Detection by Probabilistic Sampling DNN Training. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 10:164–177.
2020. Using the Fisher Vector Representation for Audio-based Emotion Recognition. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 17:7–23.