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Conference Paper
Ferenc R, Hegedűs P, Gyimesi P, Antal G, Bán D, Gyimóthy T.  2019.  Challenging Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Vulnerable JavaScript Functions. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering. :8–14.
Gyimóthy T, Beszédes Á, Forgács I.  1999.  An Efficient Relevant Slicing Method for Debugging. Software Engineering –- ESEC/FSE '99. :303–321.
Alexin Z, Gyimóthy T, Hatvani C, Tihanyi L, Csirik J, Bibok K, Prószéky G.  2003.  Manually Annotated Hungarian Corpus. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Volume 2. :53–56.
Tóth L, Nagy B, Vidács L, Gyimóthy T.  2020.  Mining Hypernyms Semantic Relations from Stack Overflow. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Knowledge Graph for Software Engineering, KG4SE 2020 - ICSEW.
Gyimóthy T, Abreu FBrito e.  2002.  Proceedings of CSMR'2002.
Tóth L, Nagy B, Janthó D, Vidács L, Gyimóthy T.  2019.  Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality at Stack Overflow Using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2019, 14th International Conference on Software Technologies. :631-639.
Ferenc R, Sim SElliott, Holt RC, Koschke R, Gyimóthy T.  2001.  Towards a Standard Schema for C/C++. Proceedings of the 8th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2001). :49–58.
Tóth L, Nagy B, Gyimóthy T, Vidács L.  2020.  Why Will My Question Be Closed? NLP-Based Pre-Submission Predictions of Question Closing Reasons on Stack Overflow Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, NIER Track (ICSE 2020). :105-108.