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A Comparative Study of Several Feature Space Transformation and Learning Methods for Phoneme Classification. International Journal of Speech Technology. 2:263-276.
2000. A Comparative Study of Several Feature Space Transformation and Learning Methods for Phoneme Classification. International Journal of Speech Technology. 2:263-276.
2000. A Comparative Study of Several Feature Space Transformation and Learning Methods for Phoneme Classification. International Journal of Speech Technology. 2:263-276.
2000. A Discriminative Segmental Speech Model and its Application to Hungarian Number Recognition. Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop, TSD 2000, LNAI vol. 1902. :307-313.
2000. A Discriminative Segmental Speech Model and its Application to Hungarian Number Recognition. Text, Speech and Dialogue: Third International Workshop, TSD 2000, LNAI vol. 1902. :307-313.
2000. Full Matching and Isomorphism of Nucleotide Chains. INDIAN JOURNAL of PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 31:243-263.
2000. On the Sum-of-squares Algorithm for Bin Packing. Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. :208–217.
2000. .
A Compiler-Generator Based on the Pred-LL(k) Parsing Method. Proceedings of Program Analsysis and verification, Fenno-Ugric Symposium. :41-50.
1999. Exploratory Analysis of Facial Growth. Spatial Temporal Modelling and its Applications
1999. On a Merging Reduction of the Process Network Synthesis Problem. Acta Cybern.. 14:251–261.
1999. On the Optimal Parameters of a Sinusoidal Representation of Signals. Acta Cybernetica. 14:315-330.
1999. An Overview of the OASIS speech recognition project. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Informatics. :94-102.
1999. Robust Surface Matching for Registration. 2nd International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '99), 4-8 October 1999, Ottawa, Canada. :169–179.
1999. A Segment-Based Statistical Speech Recognition System for Isolated/Continuous Number Recognition. Proceedings of the 6th Fenno-Ugric Symposium on Software Technology (FUSST'99). :201-211.
1999. Development of SPECG System for Automated ECG Analysis. XXVth International Congress on Electrocardiology and 39th International Vectorcardiography. :37.
1998. How to solve matrix-eigenvalue problems by optimizations of various functional inequalities? IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN-98), Volume of extended abstract.
1998. IDT: Integrated system for debugging and testing Prolog programs. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sectio Computarotica. 17:3-17.
1998. Module-Based Reinforcement Learning: Experiments with a Real Robot. Machine Learning. 31:55–85.
1998. On the Optimal Parameters of a Sinusoidal Representation of Signals. Conference of PhD students on Computer Sciences, Volume of Extended Abstracts. :61-63.
1998. Algorithmic Debugging and Testing of Prolog Programs. LPE. :14–21.
1997. Application of Inductive Logic Programming for Learning ECG Waveforms. AIME. 1211:126–129.
1997. Approximate Inverse-Dynamics based Robust Control using Static and Dynamic State Feedback. Applications of Neural Adaptive Control Technology. :151–197.
1997. Learning the Syntax and Semantic Rules of an ECG Grammar. AI*IA. 1321:171–182.
1997. Malicious Omissions and Errors in Answers to Membership Queries. Machine Learning. 28:211–255.