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Journal Article
Holló C., Blázsik Z., Imreh C., Kovács Z..  1999.  On a Merging Reduction of the Process Network Synthesis Problem. Acta Cybern.. 14:251–261.
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Csirik J, van Vliet A.  1993.  An on-line algorithm for multidimensional bin packing. Oper. Res. Lett.. 13:149–158.
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Ban D, Ferenc R, Siket I, Kiss A, Gyimothy T.  2019.  Prediction models for performance, power, and energy efficiency of software executed on heterogeneous hardware. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 75:4001-4025.
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Ferenc R, Gustafsson J., Müller L., Paakki J..  2002.  Recognizing Design Patterns in C++ programs with the integration of Columbus and Maisa. Acta Cybernetica. 15:669-682.
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Csirik J, Woeginger GJ.  1997.  Shelf Algorithms for On-Line Strip Packing. Inf. Process. Lett.. 63:171–175.
