magyarlanc: a toolkit for linguistic processing of Hungarian


The toolkit called magyarlanc aims at the basic linguistic processing of Hungarian texts. The toolkit consists of only JAVA modules (there are no wrappers for other programming languages), which guarantees its platform independency and its ability to be integrated into bigger systems (e.g. web servers).

The modules of magyarlanc 3.0 are

  • Sentence splitter
  • Tokenizer
    • POS tagger and lemmatizer
    • A modified version of the purePOS tagger
    • The morphological parser is a code based on the finite state automata written by György Gyepesi, which was built on the resource
    • The result of the morphological parsing (KR code) is converted to the Universal Morphology format.
    • The model was trained on the Szeged Treebank, converted to Universal Morphology.
    • Stopword filtering
  • Dependency parser (a version of the Bohnet parser adapted to Hungarian)
  • Constituency parser (a version of the Berkeley parser adapted to Hungarian)
  • magyarlanc 3.0 runs under Java 8. The toolkit has full compatibility with previous versions, i.e. the API has not changed. There is no need for external resources: the downloaded jar file can be used as it is.


Online demo

How to use from commandline

  • Parameters:
    • mode: It defines the process(es) to be executed. Possible values are:
      • morphparse (segmentation and POS-tagging)
      • depparse (segmentation, POS-tagging and dependency parsing)
      • constparse (segmentation, POS-tagging and constituency parsing)
      • parse (segmentation, POS-tagging, dependency parsing and constituency parsing)
      • morana (possible morphological analyses of a given word)
      • gui (graphical user interface)
    • input: It defines the input file on which the process will be executed. The input file must be a txt file containing running (raw) text.
    • output: It defines the output file in which the analysis will be saved.
      • In the case of morphparse, the output file has the following structure. One line corresponds to one token and sentences are separated by an empty line. The first column contains the wordform, the second one contains the lemma and the third one contains the MSD code.
      • In the case of depparse, the output file has the following structure. One line corresponds to one token and sentences are separated by an empty line. The first column contains the identifier of the word within the sentence, the second column contains the wordform, the third one the lemma, the fourth one the MSD code, the fifth one the part of speech, the sixth one the morphological features, the seventh one the identifier of the parent node, and finally the eighth one contains the dependency label.
      • In the case of constparse, the output file has the following structure. One line corresponds to one token and sentences are separated by an empty line. The first column contains the identifier of the word within the sentence, the second column contains the wordform, the third one the lemma, the fourth one the MSD code, the fifth one the part of speech, the sixth one the morphological features, and the seventh one contains the syntactic label.
      • In the case of parse, the output file has the following structure. One line corresponds to one token and sentences are separated by an empty line. The first column contains the identifier of the word within the sentence, the second column contains the wordform, the third one the lemma, the fourth one the MSD code, the fifth one the part of speech, the sixth one the morphological features, the seventh one the identifier of the parent node, and the eighth one contains the dependency label and the ninth one the constituent label.
    • encoding: This is an optional parameter, with which the character encoding of the input and output files can be defined. By default, UTF-8 is used.
    • spelling: In the case of morana, this defines the word to be analyzed by the morphological analyzer.


  • java -Xmx1G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar -mode morphparse -input in.txt -output out.txt
  • java -Xmx2G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar -mode constparse -input in.txt -output out.txt
  • java -Xmx2G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar -mode depparse -input in.txt -output out.txt -encoding ISO-8859-2
  • java -Xmx2G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar -mode parse -input in.txt -output out.txt
  • java -Xmx2G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar –mode gui
  • java -Xmx2G -jar magyarlanc-3.0.jar –mode morana -spelling almáknak


The toolkit can be used free of charge.

Please refer to

For further information please contact Richárd Farkas (rfarkas AT This tool is also integrated into the e-magyar language processing system.